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Call for Applications for the Global Surgery Research Support under COSECSA-RCSI Collaboration Programme

Over 5 billion people globally lack access to timely, safe and affordable surgical care, of these majority living in sub-Saharan Africa. Through the Collaboration Programme (CP) the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (RCSI) and the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA), have continued to train surgeons. This has contributed to the development of surgical workforce in the region. However, there is a paucity of global surgery data originating from the region, with most of the research being from and/or done by colleagues from HICs.  The RCSI/COSECSA CP aims to strengthen and increase research activities in the region by providing small research grants and research mentorship. We are therefore inviting COSECSA trainees and fellows to submit their expression of interest for this research support. Successful candidates will receive up to $3,000 to support them implementing their proposed Global Surgery related research projects.

We hope that this Programme will prepare COSECSA fellows/trainees to be future Global Surgery Researchers and Surgeon Scientists who will contribute to evidence generation for practice and policy. It will also prepare them to undertake Post-fellowship Research training programs.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Be a surgeon enrolled in the COSECSA Fellowship/Membership Program
  2. Be a COSECSA Fellow in good standing
  3. Interests in global surgery research
  4. Willing to participate in a series of Research and Mentorship training and meetings in person and online
  5. Women young researchers are encouraged to apply

The Application Process

To apply, please do submit the following documents:

  1. Cover letter expressing your interest to participate into the program
  2. An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV), Including Proof of completion of a Research Training (SchoolForSurgeon or COSECSA Online Research CPD Programme
  3. A research concept note of your proposed topic with a mentorship plan and a justifiable budget
  4. Two (2) recommendation letters, one MUST be from the Program Director in your respective training institution
  5. Motivation letter: Explaining why you need this program and what impact are you foreseeing
Please Submit your by clicking here!

For any question, please contact RCSI/COSECSA Research and Patient Outcomes Coordinator at:

Application Deadline: 15th November 2023, late applications will not be considered.